©Cool Kind Kid
Cool Kind Kid’s® main character is a boy named Tanner. He is a real person, the creator’s grandson. Tanner and his friends are bothered by the way that kids treat one another. Throughout the content, they ask the question, “Why can’t kids be both kind and cool?” Tanner is kind, caring, respectful, accepting, and encouraging. He is a kid everyone wants to be around. In the first song on the Cool Kind Kid CD, Cool Kind Kid, Tanner, and other kids introduce this concept.

©Cool Kind Kid
Francie is a friend to all kids because she is kind and accepting of everyone. She has a lot of friends because she doesn’t tease, pick-on, or exclude anyone. She goes out of her way to befriend a shy, weak, or bullied child. She stands up to kids who bully and doesn’t participate in gossip. The song, The Best Friend I Can Be shows Francie’s good qualities and helps kids learn how to be a good friend, so they can have many friends.

©Cool Kind Kid
Radically Rude Rudalot is always rude. He thinks being rude is cool. He doesn’t have many friends. However, he isn’t aware that the way he behaves is impacting his friendships in a negative way. He is one of the few Cool Kind Kid characters that are negative, but he is needed to show kids how not to behave. He eventually learns that “the Kind kid is the COOL kid, not the bully.”TM Rude Rudy is one of the favorite songs on the CD.

Are you TOUGH enough to be KIND?
Are you COOL enough to be KIND?